Not sure who told you this was Elliot's website, they were probably lying. I've never even heard of an Elliot in my life. I mean, besides the one in E.T. And Open Season. And that poet guy. How did you even get this link? Who told you about this? How did you get here?

You're making this really annoying for me, do you know how much work it takes to type all this garbage out?? I'm just trying to enjoy my lunch. Get outta here.
Actually, why don't you just go here and look at this other Elliot's website? It looks much nicer than this one anyway.

Don't click me What's your problem? I told you not to click me.

If you're still reading this, I'm getting real tired of talking to you now. Here, look at this picture of an extremely good looking E-Type Jag that I'm sure this Elliot would love to own and get on with your life
The Jaguar E-Type. A beautiful feat of engineering and design. Something you know very little about.

I swear, why are you still reading this? I'm losing my mind

Why am I so angry? Well, here are some reasons:
  1. This isn't Elliot's Website
  2. You're an idiot
  3. You've interrupted the sanctity of my lunchtime
  4. I don't even know who Elliot is

Here's the list again, without numbers, because you're probably horrible at math:

In fact, I'm so mad at you wasting my precious time that I'll even make it into a nice table for you, in case you're one of those weirdos that's into tables (go shower btw)
Here you go you nerd
Why I'm pissed off out of my mind
This isn't Elliot's Website
You're an idiot
You've interrupted the sanctity of my lunchtime
I don't even know who Elliot is

If you're STILL here, I kind of respect your commitment. You're probably stuck in Vim because you want to figure out how to exit (it's :qa! btw) I'm sure you're expecting some kind of interesting or important content to appear. Well, you're wrong. There's literally nothing here besides this seal. So save your time and go somewhere else.

Ok fine. I don't even know what to type anymore. I'm literally out of ideas. So here's a picture of a cup. Why? I have no clue:

Let's make a deal. You go watch this video of some cute dogs, and you leave me alone. How about that?

Ok what about this random audio file I found on the internet? Will this do it for you?

Or this random video conveniently found on the Mozilla html reference website?

Fine. Since I have no clue who Elliot is and you seem to be extremely interested in this website, given that you're still here for some reason, here are some random facts about me, because why not.

My favorite shape:

My favorite 300x300 empty html canvas element:

Literally nothing. Just an empty 300x300 box. I just happen to like it a lot

Okay, you happy now? Ok great. Fill out this form promising you will never disturb me again.
